Summer Camp is coming up in only two months and our staff is so excited to be able to share the gospel of Christ with all of our summer campers! Every year it takes a lot of effort getting things prepared for Summer Camp and we rely on the selfless efforts of many loyal friends of camp. In order to help us get everything ready for another successful ten weeks of summer camp we are implementing a new Work and Worship weekend where individuals, groups, or families can come enjoy working on various projects around camp and worshiping together.

Details for the Weekend

The Work and Worship weekend will be May 14-16! The cost will be $25 for adults and $10 for kids. This price helps us offset the cost of meals and cleaning the rooms. If your whole family or group stays in the same room then your cost will not be over $70. Meals will be provided throughout the weekend starting with breakfast on Saturday and ending with breakfast on Sunday.

This weekend will be full of a variety of work projects for all ages and skill levels. Whether you have a specific trade you are skilled in or just want to serve, there will be something for everyone to do! Not only will this weekend be full of fun projects and meaningful worship sessions, there will also be time in the evenings to do activities such as the zipline, dodgeball, archery, and more with your group or family! We want this to be a meaningful experience for everyone who attends!

Giving Opportunity!

If you can’t join us this weekend but still want to help out there is a great giving opportunity! If you’d like to help offset the cost of the materials and equipment for the projects we will complete during work and worship, that would be a HUGE blessing to camp. The pandemic has restricted our occupancy and revenue to about 50%. All donations will go directly to the projects undertaken during this years’ Work and Worship! You can go to our website for more information on how to give specifically to our Work & Worship event.

Find out more!

We are so thankful for all of you and your willingness to help Miracle Camp out in whatever way you can and we would love if you are able to come work and worship with us at this event in May! You can click on the buttons below to get more information about our Work and Worship weekend and how to register!