Your years as a young adult can be complicated and confusing. Many people in this new generation are finding their own unique paths and they don’t all look the same. Your 20’s can hold so much growth and have so many adventures in store that God uses to help you become the person you are meant to be. These years are full of change and the unexpected, but seasons of the unknown are no fear of God’s. What can God provide for us during these seasons? Community. Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them”. We are assured many times throughout scripture of the beauty that comes from community. God’s presence is made known and we are given people who can reflect the light of Christ. 

Whether you are in college, working, married, single, or still trying to figure it all out: a Christ centered community can still benefit you. If you do not go to a Christian college or live in an area that is filled with this community then finding it can be difficult and tiring. You have to find a church that suits you, create a community, and surround yourself with people that you feel will point you back to Christ. Easy enough, right? Not for everyone. In a season of so many unknowns this community can be the most difficult to create and cultivate. What happens if you do have this community? Then you have something beautiful that can bring you closer to Christ as you are able to come alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ to discover more of His glory together. However, everyone gets busy and everyone in today’s age is always on the go. God reminds us in this time of chaos to “Be still and know that I am God” in Psalm 46:10. This community which we surround ourselves with can remind us of this practice. 

As a young adult there is not much time outside of the chaos. God tells us about the beauty of community and reminds us how we need to be still before Him. A way to cultivate the community you are in is through spending time to be still with one another and be reminded of His goodness together. Young adult retreat is a time for young adults to come together in community and learn how to be still in this chaotic time as well as grow in your knowledge of what being a young adult of faith means. This is a weekend of worship, the Word of Christ, and a way to build community through several activities for all types of people. There will be zip lining, an escape room, archery, coffee, trivia, and so much more! Building a community can be difficult but this weekend is a way to help young adults discover the good of Christ centered community and reconnect with God during a season of chaos. So, What does community look like for you? How is God calling you into a community of Christ centered relationships? Remember to be still in Him and continually seek out His kingdom in your relationships.

There is still time to sign up for Young Adult Retreat! Sign up for a weekend of relaxation, community, worship, and time in His Word.